Jul 11 - 13, 2025 (Friday - Sunday)
Cancellation - $40
*See Policies and Procedures page for more information.
Includes: green fees, range balls, Meal voucher daily, prize fund Gross payouts only, and a donation to American Golf Foundation.
Entry Deadline
ELIGIBLE: Men amateur golfers with an established World Handicap System (WHS) index and 6-month Lowest Handicap Index of 2.9 or better, as of June 30th, 2025, OR who have played high school or collegiate golf within the past two years.
February 7th: Registration opens Register/Results
July 4th: Registration closes at 11:59 PM
July 8th: Preliminary Pairings posted on Festival website by 6:00 PM; Late Registration opens if event field isn't full
July 7th: Late Registration closes at 11:59 PM
July 10th: Final Pairings posted on tournament portal by 6:00 PM
FORMAT: 54 holes of aggregate stroke play, with a 36-hole cut to the low one-third and ties. Gross competition only.
PAIRINGS & TEE TIMES: On Friday and Saturday, the first wave of tee times will begin at 7:00 AM, and pending signups and number of players the second wave will begin at 12:00 PM. Players will remain in the same foursomes for both rounds, and will play one round in the first (AM) wave and one in the second (PM) wave. Sunday’s final round tee times will begin at 7:00 AM, and pairings will be determined by aggregate 36-hole gross scores.
CONTACT INFORMATION: or – no phone calls please.