Aug 06 - 09, 2020 (Thursday - Sunday)
Includes discounted practice round at each course, food & beverages, complimentary range balls during the tournament, and other event amenities.
Entry Deadline
Thursday, July 30; Registration may close at an earlier date if field fills.
Late entries will be accepted (if the tournament field is not full), and will be subject to a $50 Late Registration fee.
ELIGIBLE: Men professional golfers and 12 amateurs that have earned exemptions through the Long Beach Golf Festival’s qualification standards. The professional field is limited to 300 players.
Feb 10: Registration opens
July 30: Registration closes at 11:59 PM; Registration may close at earlier date if field fills
July 31: Preliminary Pairings posted on tournament portal by 6:00 PM; Late Registration opens if event field is not full
August 3: Late Registration closes at 11:59 PM
August 4: Final Pairings posted on tournament portal by 6:00 PM
FORMAT: 72 holes of aggregate stroke play, with a 36-hole cut to the low 60 professionals and ties, as well as the low 6 amateurs and ties. If the 36-hole cut includes more than 70 professionals, there will also be a 54-hole cut.
PAIRINGS & TEE TIMES: All players will play one round at each tournament course for their first two rounds. One of these rounds will be within the AM wave, whose tee times begin at 7:00 AM, and the other will be within the PM wave, whose tee times begin at 12:00 Noon. All players will remain within threesome for both Round One and Round Two. Pairings for Round Three and Round Four will be determined by aggregate 36- and 54-hole gross score, respectively, and tee times will begin at 8:00 AM.
For more detailed information, please consult the Long Beach Open Player Agreement, as well as the LBO Policies and General Information pages on this website.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Tournament Office (562) 570-8163